Jamie DiDato - Junior
Student Administrative Specialist
Office of Student Financial Aid Services – Student Employment Unit
How did you find your position? What was the process like from application to the offer stage? Please detail your experience.
I found out about my position on JobX. I applied and received an email soon after requesting an interview. From there, I had a wonderful interview with a couple of OSFAS staff members and was offered a position.
What made you apply for your position?
I already had experience in Financial Aid and enjoyed helping people achieve an affordable college education. I was interested in learning more about campus programs, specifically Work Study, because I was previously a Work Study employee and knew what a profound impact the program had on my life. I wanted to help others gain similar experiences.
How have you been able to balance your schoolwork and work responsibilities? Please provide details of any challenges or hurdles you have encountered.
It was initially difficult balancing my schoolwork and work responsibilities as I was a new transfer to UConn and did not know what to expect. It was difficult at first to find the time to get my schoolwork done in between class and work hours. When I became overwhelmed in my first semester, my supervisor understood and helped me set up a schedule that worked for myself and our department. Now, I have a better understanding of what I can handle, and I know I have a support system to go to when I feel that I am not managing my time appropriately.
What are your personal keys to success and what aspects of your job do you find the most fulfilling or enjoyable?
Taking my job seriously and recognizing the impact I can have in simply answering an email keeps me motivated to do my best every single day. I have a deep commitment to what I do and the community I serve, and I let that drive me. Knowing that I am helping others find meaningful work and assisting employers in searching for students they can employ, and mentor is by far the best part of my job. It’s not the tasks I do, but what they add up to that gives me meaning.
Describe your typical day at work?
In a typical day, I answer phone calls/emails from students looking for assistance with their Work-Study award and/or job search and from employers who need assistance with hiring. I review and make decisions on job postings for JobX and assist the Scholarships unit as needed. I may work events at times, such as the Student Employment job fair and other tabling events.
What skills have you acquired or developed in your on-campus job that can contribute to your career readiness or professional development?
I have developed both my communication skills and problem-solving abilities in this position. Each day I learn something new which has cultivated a forward-thinking mindset that will serve me well in the future.