Abigail Rodriguez - Senior
Student Administrative Assistant, Student Research Trainee
How did you find your position? What was the process like from application to the offer stage? Please detail your experience.
I found the position through JobX my sophomore year. I had actually heard of the position prior to finding it, as my friend Bailey was the previous Student Administrative Assistant. I applied through JobX and then heard back and began the interview process! I participated in a virtual interview where I discussed my passion for Anthropology and my eagerness to work in this position. A week or so after the interview, I received an email letting me know I had been offered the position! I was ecstatic, as I really felt like it was the perfect job for me.
What made you apply for your position?
I had just declared a second major in Anthropology, and I was eager to get involved in the Anthropology department in any way I could. I wanted to connect more with professors, see research opportunities, and assist the department in any way I could. I really was (and am!) eager to give undergraduates more opportunities to connect with the department, and that’s something I’ve been given the chance to do through this job. I also love being able to engage with members of the department on a daily basis, providing assistance and working with them as friends.
How have you been able to balance your schoolwork and work responsibilities? Please provide details of any challenges or hurdles you have encountered.
During a typical week, in addition to classes and internships, I work 20 hours. This is certainly tough to balance at times! However, I am able to balance success academically alongside success in my job on campus due to the kindness and support of my bosses. The administrator to the ANTH department, Andrea Booth, is incredibly kind and flexible, and understands that I am a student in addition to being an employee, and that focusing on my studies is essential. It is a privilege to have her as a boss, and her kindness and accommodation aids me so much in my time here as a student and employee. Having a job helps with time management, too–it has helped me schedule my weeks carefully and carve time out of my week specifically to do homework and study. Finally, I also love the job I do, which helps tremendously! I find work to be enjoyable and thus it is easy to switch from work to schoolwork–I do not often need to recover from a long day at work, as my days often are rewarding and exciting!
Describe your typical day at work?
My days vary quite a bit! There really is no “typical day” for me–I find new and creative ways to help out around the department and get others involved in Anthropology every time I come in! I help with administrative work, such as doing travel reports for faculty, and I design posters and advertisements for department events on Canva. I also manage the department’s social media, and create posts based on requests from staff members. I also assist with faculty requests as they come in and keep the department organized.
What skills have you acquired or developed in your on-campus job that can contribute to your career readiness or professional development?
I’ve certainly developed a lot of skills that will come in handy in a future job. In the future, I want to get more involved with academia and Anthropology, so this job has helped me so much with understanding what that looks like and making connections for my future career. Through this job, I have connected more with my professors and have even been offered research opportunities. I also think this job helps me so much with learning how to manage my own time while at work, and prioritize requests that come in. This job has helped both with my independence as an employee as well as with my networking as someone who would like to pursue Anthropology.